Been waiting for you.


Let's do it inwardly

Beloved below are various letters - all for you, spun in love. Our hearts know the way.

Every image corresponds to a letter. Every letter is an act of my desire simply to be with you, to feel you there on the other end of an invisible line. Navigate these letters intuitively; find an image or expression that resonates with you and begin here. Continue clicking and reading where you feel moved. In this way we are guided; we are connected heart-to-heart, we are communicating through hearts. And darling be it one image, one letter, one encounter or many our connection is a colossal force of happening. I write to you because I care for you. Deeply. Without reserve. It is my wish for you to know my love, to know your great, exuding charm. Newest, most recent letters are near the top.

Now feel that thud; the center of your chest beats. And there too, is our secret. Read blissfully. To me you are breathtakingly perfect.